mardi 14 mai 2013

Muutos - Change

Two weeks ago, my boyfriend Topi and I went to the studio to take some pictures of an idea I've had in mind for a few months.
It was really fun, throwing flour on our faces and syrup all over Topi's body. Sadly the syrup went in his eyes so he couldn't open his eyes at all :D for or all the shooting long..

Many told me "oh my god Karina, you take naked pictures of yourself!" Come oon... There is only my shoulders on the photos AND just to make you know, I actually have my pants on, and no straps bras. 

So I took the pictures, yay it was fun, the series' title is "When two worlds become one" and it's kind of personal but, thats the pictures I'm using for our school's exhibition "Muutos" which means "Change".
The exhibition starts on friday (in two days) so if you read this article and you are in Finland, welcome!

Here's the facebook event, if you're interested, all informations are there.

I've been so busy lately with job interviews, this exhibition and all ! I can't wait to calm down. Then I'll be able to do allllll the personal projects I have in mind. I'm so motivated and inspired !

Tomorrow I'll write a new article about another shooting.

By the way, I updated my website. Take a look !